Unity (June Newsletter)

This month marks the end of my service as a youth minister. Though we are excited about the adventure ahead, leaving our ministry with the youth group known as The Underground is also difficult for both Aubrie and me—for this is a group with which we have great unity. Veritable unity is something which has become difficult to understand, let alone pursue, in a culture such as our own. I might feel some camaraderie with the neighbors in my apartment complex. I might nod at the man at Starbuck’s who orders the same drink as me. But, do these commonalities breed any sort of deeper unity? In Christianity and Liberalism, J. Gresham Machen responds to the attacks of theological liberalism (and its anti-supernatural prejudice) on orthodox Christianity. He writes, “In the sphere of religion, as in other spheres . . . the really important things are the things about which men will fight.” What is truly important is not some vague appreciation for an undefined deity, but the answer to the quest...