3,320 Children Dead

I submit the following with grave humility. A most unthinkable tragedy took place Friday. I know that some will see this and cry foul with charges of political opportunism. But this is intended not as a commentary on the little boys and girls killed in the Newtown school but on myself and the rest of the nation watching. Indeed, as I tucked my own one-year-old and her assortment of stuffed animals into bed later that night, I couldn't imagine the pain twenty families are now facing with the loss of their little ones. There has been a thought, though, I cannot shake since my Facebook news feed lit up with exclamations of incredulity Friday. Reading statuses bearing references to "innocent children" and an "unspeakable crime," a thought haunted me: Twenty children died and the whole world was watching, while on the same day 3,300 children died and few paid any notice. Why are we rightfully horrified by the thought of an intruder firing bullets into...