30 Years Later: Post-Abortive Mother Saves Another Baby
“That demon laughed and increased the suction. My baby wouldn't come.” My eyes flitted to the brick edifice behind the woman, where other parents’ babies were being killed as she spoke. She continued, “He went inside with a scalpel. He cut him up. And he came out in two pieces. Then afterwards, they said, ‘You want Kool-Aid or cookies?’” Thirty years after her abortion, this mother continued to grieve. But the long winter of her pain found joy on a spring morning when she returned to rescue the life of another from the same man who’d dismembered her baby. She’d been passing by Founder’s Women’s Health Center in Columbus when she saw our team with signs showing abortion victims. One sign in particular caught her eye. It read, “Dr. Blank Kills Children.” She remembered that man and stopped to tell us of her encounter with him decades prior. As she was sharing her story, a couple with whom I had spoken earlier came out of the abortion facility to sit in their car. Seeing them...