"For the first time in my life."

“When you said you were going to show the video of aborted babies, I was surprised. But I felt I needed to look—to know once and for all what I did.” Aubrie, the kids, and I had just finished a jaunt to Scranton, PA—where I had been invited to deliver the keynote speech at the annual prayer breakfast hosted by Pennsylvanians for Human Life —when I had received a call from Andrea, who was present at the event. Andrea told me about her abortion 30 years prior. She said in mid-2018 she had finally begun to pursue healing and that the prayer breakfast was the first major pro-life event she had ever attended. When, in the middle of my presentation, I transitioned to the video of abortion victims, Andrea became uncertain of whether she wanted to watch. But by the time I finished prefacing the disturbing video with the beauty of the Gospel—explaining God does not merely overlook sin but that His Son became our sin—she had made her decision. “I felt I needed to look,” Andrea told...