Protect All Babies Except Those with Black Skin?

What do you call it when someone suggests only babies of a certain skin color be aborted? Racism, right? That’s exactly what happened recently—not on a college campus but in the Ohio Statehouse. This month brought the final push for Ohio’s Heartbeat Bill—legislation to protect babies from abortion once their heartbeat is detectable. In many ways, our story at Created Equal began with this bill when it was initially introduced eight years ago. Not only was our first outreach an effort outside the Statehouse to support it, but even Adia testified for the bill in utero when her heartbeat was amplified at one of the first rallies. When passage of the bill became imminent this month, several pro-abortion Representatives suggested last-minute amendments. Most shocking was Rep. Janine Boyd’s amendment to alter the bill so that it would protect all preborn humans except African-American babies . Proposing the amendment, Boyd said, I consider the slave trade and how black slaves wer...