
Showing posts from May, 2010

Trust Women? (May Newsletter)

Just a couple of weeks ago, Aubrie graduated with her degree in nursing. We are anxiously anticipating her test date for the Boards examination, after which she will be certified as a Registered Nurse. Commencement was indeed a joyous celebration. Never have I seen such diligence as was portrayed by my wife in her long hours in the books preparing for exams or drafting reports following clinical assignments. Indeed, graduation was a time of great rejoicing. As I consider photos of Aubrie accepting her diploma, I feel a great sense of pride for the woman she is—full of integrity and discipline. She is a woman I trust completely. Oddly, this pondering reminds me of a statement posted weeks ago on the OSU GAP Free Speech Board. The message scrawled on the board read, “The question is ultimately: do we believe women can make decisions about life and death and the nature of being? I say yes!” This idea has become a usual suspect at the GAP display, other times taking the f...

She's right...IF...

WARNING: The video below contains profanities (including the "F" word). The disgruntled student in this video is quite clearly angered by the presence of the Genocide Awareness Project on her campus. It would be easy to dismiss her frustrations by the incessant ad hominem attacks or her lack of response to the pro-life arguments she references (such as her passing reference to the "size" argument followed up with the counter-argument that "it's all [insert obscenity]"). However, let's extend to her the benefit of the doubt and assume that the lack of clear argumentation in this video is simply a visceral response to the admittedly disturbing nature of the GAP display. Actually, I'm going to go one step further and say that her response is entirely appropriate...IF. This outrage at the comparison of aborted fetuses to the the emaciated bodies of Jews, to the lives lost in Darfur or Rwanda is utterly appropriate and needs no carefully crafted e...