She's right...IF...

WARNING: The video below contains profanities (including the "F" word).

The disgruntled student in this video is quite clearly angered by the presence of the Genocide Awareness Project on her campus. It would be easy to dismiss her frustrations by the incessant ad hominem attacks or her lack of response to the pro-life arguments she references (such as her passing reference to the "size" argument followed up with the counter-argument that "it's all [insert obscenity]").

However, let's extend to her the benefit of the doubt and assume that the lack of clear argumentation in this video is simply a visceral response to the admittedly disturbing nature of the GAP display.

Actually, I'm going to go one step further and say that her response is entirely appropriate...IF. This outrage at the comparison of aborted fetuses to the the emaciated bodies of Jews, to the lives lost in Darfur or Rwanda is utterly appropriate and needs no carefully crafted explanation...IF.

If what?

IF the pre-born are not human.

The rant of this college student is born out of a very simple presupposition embedded in our culture---that those who are under nine months gestation simply are not as human as the rest of us.

Why should such myopia surprise us? Not so long ago, men were deemed less than human in our nation simply because of their skin color. Across the sea, bodies were being flipped into burners because of their cultural background. If we can callously kill a man standing before us, why should it surprise us that today we continue to kill the children we cannot see?

Given her presupposition, the response of the college student in this picture is appropriate (if profane). How would you react if pictures of raped women were placed next to chopped down trees to make a comparison?

Perhaps you'd respond with frustration, anger, too. Why? Because you believe there is a categorical difference between the raped woman and the tree. One is a human, the other is not.

This is the same source of the anger in the video, though the presupposition is different. The assumption here: the killed Jews were human, the pre-born are not.

This, then, is that critical question we must answer: what is the pre-born?

If they are not human, then the student in the video is right and those like me are committing a crime with their work.

But, if they are, then the butchering of the pre-born can be compared to the holocaust of the Jews---because in both cases humans are being denied their personhood status and cut down.


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