
Showing posts from July, 2010

To Destroy or Not To Destroy?

Imagine the following scenario: the apartment building in which I live is condemned (some days, this is easier to imagine than others). The administration summons the demolition team, which prepares to raze the complex. In their hastiness, though, the administration forgot to inform the residents of the date of demolition. The wrecking ball is poised for action, but suddenly the chief administrator remembers the hundreds of habitants who may or may not be inside the building. What should he do? Go onward with the demolition and bring the building down? After all, it is possible that there is no human being inside. Perhaps they are all at work or school. Or, should he err on the side of caution, call off the demolition until he is confident there is no human being inside? Would anyone choose the former option over the latter---to demolish a building before checking to make sure there is no one inside? I doubt it, unless their moral compass were askew. Why, then, has such thinking ...