One Simple Step
Nicholas Kristof and Sheryl WuDunn are a husband-wife team who've enrolled in the battle they consider to be the "greatest moral challenge of this century." Ed Pilkington details their war on injustice in a recent Guardian article. The outrage is "gendercide;" it is the subject of their book Half the Sky and the focus of their life mission. "Gendercide," as detailed by Kristof and WuDunn, includes (but is not limited to) sex slavery, "honor" killings, genital mutilation, and infanticide. The numbers of women affected are truly staggering. For example, 60 to 100 million females are missing in the current population---a statistic the authors use to justify their comparison of this injustice in scale and scope to the slave trades of old and the Nazi Holocaust. When the authors of Half the Sky encountered these brutalities firsthand, they were shaken by how "open" and "blatant" it is, such as police standing nearby as a ...