Exposing Injustice (August Newsletter)

“You know, I agree with you. I’m against abortion,” the young professional said. “But, it’s a done deal here.”

The well-dressed businessman had approached our “Choice” Chain with a willingness to engage. “Can you explain?” I inquired.

“Well, it’s not a big debate like in the States. Here in Canada, no one talks about it anymore.”

I met this young man in late July when Aubrie and I attended a week-long training program hosted by the Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform (CCBR) in Calgary, Alberta. During this week of coursework, group discussions, film, and “Choice” Chains, Aubrie and I forged friendships and explored new methods of pro-life outreach.

What the businessman on the street told me, though, plagued me in a way unlike common pro-abortion rhetoric. It reminded me of the times I lived in France, where abortion is not merely taboo—it’s forgotten. It’s not that the pro-abortion side is winning. The battle can’t be found.

Today in the States, the fight against injustice continues. But, for how long? If we allow this injustice to become invisible, will it not also become forgotten? As society continues to marginalize us, we can simply hold our tongue and fade away into distant memory or we can seek innovative ways to demand a hearing.

Thank you for partnering with us to engage a culture growing in apathy.


  1. Nice work, Drayers!! Missing you up in the frozen North.


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