400 Assemble...

Colleagues and friends of ours are displaying the Genocide Awareness Project at UBC in Canada today.

Controversy has already begun.

A Facebook Event page for a counter-protest currently shows 429 attending.

Here is just one comment from the Facebook page:

It is rich indeed for GAP to cry "free speech" when they are the ones trying to takeaway rights from Canadian women. GAP has to resort to shock tactics, and to deliberately misleading facts because, on an even keel, they do not have an argument. The abortion battle has been fought and won on behalf of all women in Canada, no matter how much groups like GAP would like to take us back to the dark ages.

As this comment demonstrates, so many arguments for abortion beg the question---that is, they assume what they are trying to prove. The author asserts that GAP is "trying to take away rights from Canadian women." This can only work on a particular assumption: that the preborn is not human.

For, if indeed they are human, then far from seeking to strip away rights, GAP is an effort to restore human rights to all women---born and preborn.

Advocates on both sides of this debate must present actual evidence for their assertions---this is, indeed, the essence of the Genocide Awareness Project: presenting visual evidence along with scientific and philosophical apologetics for the anti-abortion view.

I'll watch with great interest the other side of the debate at UBC today---to see if there is a substantive presentation of the "pro-choice" ethic or vapid emotional appeals.


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