"Doomed" Children?

An article posted today on Care2.com details the painful story of one mother who bore her baby knowing "her child would likely never be able to breathe on its own, would have severely deformed anatomy, and was unlikely even to survive birth at all."

The conclusion of the article? It is a far greater crime for a mother to give birth to a "doomed child" than to abort the fetus in utero.

Oddly, the author declares quite definitively that the fetus cannot feel pain until after birth, yet states that an abortion could have ended the fetus's suffering. Hmm...

The deeper matter, though, is: what do we do with people who are suffering?

Would anyone deny that to give birth to a baby only to watch the child struggle for a few hours before dying must be pain of inestimable measure? Surely not. However, does a mother's agony justify her in taking the life of her child?

Women who give birth to preemies fighting for their lives may experience great trauma as they watch their children struggle. Would a mother therefore be justified in killing her born preemie to end the child's suffering and strop her own trauma?

No. Why? Because the preemie is human.

If the fetus, too, is human, then to kill her because she is suffering is tantamount to killing a suffering newborn.

While we ought to strive to eliminate suffering, we should not eliminate sufferers.


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