Living Under a Rock

Geico has a history for clever marketing. One of their commercials, for example, shows what it really would look like to "live under a rock."

While having zero knowledge of the savings Geico offers could qualify for one living under a rock these days, another example would be to have heard nothing of Lila Rose, Live Action, and the many investigations into Planned Parenthood.

I can imagine the commercial now.

"Planned Parenthood covers up statutory rape and sex trafficking of minors."

"No way! I didn't know that."

"What, have you been living under a rock?"

Instead of a neolithic-looking man crawling out from under the rock, though, it would be Nancy Pelosi and President Obama blinking their eyes as they wipe off the dust from blissful hibernation.

Something else which has been hard to miss is the PR campaign mounted by Planned Parenthood to combat the efforts of Live Action. While in Florida for the Genocide Awareness Project, I chatted with a PP intern who was taking part in a counter-protest of our pro-life display. Her broken-record motto was, "Abortions are only a tiny part of what PP does. They provide so many other valuable services."

Oh. Do they?

Watch this newly released video.

I wonder how many people they can force to fall asleep under their monolith of deception.


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