Normalizing the Unthinkable attended the February 2011 "Walk for Choice" in Chicago, Illinois with cameras in hand. The result: the above disturbing video.

Present in this fascinating bit of man-on-the-street media is the ever-increasing effort to make abortion "normal."

Two young women boldly declare their abortionist ambitions in the video:

"I'm so glad to be a future doctor. And I will perform abortions and I'll be proud of it."

"There is no shame in abortion. I'm planning on being an abortion provider. I had an abortion a few weeks ago."

One man even longs to see Planned Parenthood become "like Starbucks . . . a Planned Parenthood on every corner."

When injustice is a mere quotidian occurrence, its continuation is nearly certain. Until the act becomes unthinkable to the public or those in power, very few will act out to end it.

How should we best respond to efforts to demystify abortion?

Here's one idea: strip away all of the rhetoric and expose it for the grisly act that it is.


  1. Yes, keep exposing the slaughter of innocent babies!! Such a deplorable society we live in.


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