Abortion Clinic Closure Confirmed
The Columbus Dispatch is confirming the closure of Capital Care Women's Center (CCWC), located at 4818 Indianola Avenue. According to a Capital Care Women's Network spokesperson CCWC will likely close within a month. This killing center is closing. Capital Care has been plagued with decreased demand and financial problems. They recently cut back clinic hours due to difficulty keeping abortionists. An increasingly strong pro-life presence in Central Ohio must be signifigantly credited with contributing to the decision to close. The Gallup organization just reported that Americans that self-identify as pro-choice is at an all-time low (41%). The closing of CCWC is just one of many indicators that we are winning the battle over abortion. Created Equal Statement: "The fact is Columbus now has one less abortion center. Additionally, on a national scale, the numbers of abortion facilities have been declining for over a decade. Thi...