Renewed Urgency: #PPSellsBabyParts

“How’s your Justice Ride going? Save any babies?”

I paused, phone pressed against my ear, before replying, “Yeah, Adia, I think so.”

She didn’t miss a beat. “How many? Four? Five? Six?”

I smiled. With Adia’s understanding of our family ministry come high expectations. But as I considered our Justice Ride team pulled from across the country to create conversation in the nation’s capital, I knew the fruit from this trip would be far more than the lives saved during our time on the road.

Not only were we equipping our Riders to take the apologetics and tools back home with them as usual, but this time we had been given a unique opportunity to play a role in a national story still unfolding as I write this.

On Day 2 of the Ride, the Center for Medical Progress released video evidence that Planned Parenthood (PP) sells baby body parts for profit. While we should not be surprised that an organization reaping funds from the killing of children also benefits from their remains, this provided an opportunity to fix the eyes of the nation on the abortion giant.

While continuing our mission to create conversation at sites of national prominence, we also joined a coalition to host a press conference outside Speaker of the House John Boehner’s office, calling for an investigation into PP. Two hours later, we received word he had done just that.

We knew—along with the rest of the pro-life movement—that this was a moment not to be missed. We told people on the streets, joined the social media flood promoting the video, and more.

Now that we’re home, I’ve seen our Riders and team of interns continue to utilize this opportunity to make the public reckon with the brutality of abortion. While the revelation about Planned Parenthood has not changed our mission or provided a new apologetic, it has renewed a sense of urgency.

What’s new is not the brutality of abortion but the nationwide conversation taking place. Many of our neighbors are finally talking about abortion. Please pray that the Church would effectively use this opportunity.

And consider joining the growing network of organizations and individuals holding a national day of protest at Planned Parenthood facilities across the nation on August 22. Go to to see if there is already an event scheduled nearby. If not, sign up to host one!


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