Join Our Day of Action

We have often heard people say they’d love to join us on a Justice Ride, but they can’t get away for a whole week. So this summer we’re inviting pro-life people of any age to Columbus, OH for a sort of “crash course” Justice Ride. This one day of training and front-line experience is our newest project. We’re calling it the Day of Action. And you’re invited!
It will begin the evening of July 16 with an interactive workshop to prepare participants to create and navigate conversations about abortion. Together, we’ll consider how to change how people think and feel about abortion.
The next day, July 17, will be our true Day of Action. We’ll create conversation on college campuses and in downtown squares, lead a peaceful witness outside abortion facilities, and utilize high-profile overpasses to show the reality of abortion.
Afterward, we’ll come back together not only to debrief but also to discuss the next step—because, like our Justice Rides, this is only meant to be a step in the lifelong service of defending babies and truth.
If you’re interested, more information, including overnight accommodations, can be found online.
In addition to the Day of Action, our team is also hard at work preparing for other big summer projects, including a tour of several east coast states which have been passing late-term abortion laws. And we have again welcomed a team of interns to our office for full-time service.
Thank you for your support of our mission. The fruit we are seeing would not be possible without you!
May the Lord continue to bless you. And I hope we see you this summer!


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